Pilot Registry info
Title : High Energy Ball Milling plant for Mechanical Alloying of metals
Acronym : HEBM-MA
Operation Starting Date : 2017-09-11
Legal Info
Title : Mbn Nanomaterialia Spa
PIC Code : 998647787
Type of Organization : SME - Small and Medium Enterprises

Description : MBN Nanomaterialia S.p.A. (Italy) (http://www.mbn.it/) was established in 1994 with core business being concentrated in the development of mechanochemical reactors for the production of nanophased materials produced by high energy ball milling. With an industrial production capacity of 100 ton/range, MBN’s mission is to bring nanotechnology from research environment to everyday life products offering to the market innovative nanomaterials adaptable to conventional and new powder metallurgy and deposition processes. The industrial production is focused on environmental friendly (Co free) alloys for diamond grinding tools and high performance thermal spraying powders (Ti, WC-Co, MMC’s). All materials produced by MBN represent the direct outcome of scientific and technological research initiatives performed at National and European level in collaboration with Universities, Research Institutes and Industries. MBN is also working in the development of innovative material solutions in many application fields such as nanostructured metal and polymeric powders for high resolution additive manufacturing, polymer based composites for textile and consumer goods and nanostructured Mg based alloys for hydrogen storage.
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